Akira Shinmei - Ao Ranger

EAGLE Tohoku Branch, in Uyu Mountain, several servicemen are training in the snowy terrain.  The Black Cross Army flag goes up and Samurai Mask laughs.  Samurai Mask also has several Zolders with him.  The leader of the training exercise, Akira, recognizes Black Cross Army.  Samurai Mask gives the order to attack.  The Zolders throw several bombs towards the servicemen.  Akira looks around and asks if everyone is okay?  Before there is an answer, the Zolders run towards the servicemen and continue their attack.  Samurai Mask also fights the servicemen.  Akira fires his gun at the Zolders, eliminating some of them.  Unfortunately he is quickly outnumbered and is the only one to survive the attack.  Days later, Ao Ranger is running across the sands.  Several practice dummies pop up in front of him.  Ao Ranger takes his Blue Cherry and fires several arrows.  Ao Ranger knocks each practice dummy down.  Ao Ranger hears someone tell him, impressive and he turns around.  It is Aka Ranger on his Red Machine.  Aka Ranger tells him well done and drives away.  Ao Ranger walks over to the fallen dummies and looks through them, until he finds the one with two words written on it - Snack and Gon.  Ao Ranger does a full circle and it is revealed that Ao Ranger is Akira Shinmei.  Akira enters a hidden part of Gon Snack.  He waits patiently, strumming his guitar.  After awhile, the elevator doors open.  Inside the elevator, Kenji, Daita, and Peggy exchange puzzles glances and they walk towards Akira - his face is covered by his cowboy hat.  He lifts his cowboy hat and reveals himself.  Tsuyoshi holds up his key in front of him.  Akira nods his head and holds up his key.  The rest take out their keys and hold them up as well.  The five place their interlocking keys into a slot next to a door.  Once the keys are placed, the door opens.  The five enter the room that is their new base.  They take a look around the impressive room with numerous computers.  A voice comes over the intercom, telling them, he is the Commander of the Gorengers.  He informs them that Gold Mask has attacked a gunpowder factory.  A look of recognition passes over Tsuyoshi's face.  The Commander continues, they are using kindergarten students as hostages and have invaded the factory.  The children are in grave danger.  Their mission is to safely rescue the children and defeat Gold Mask.  Tsuyoshi flicks a switch and another set of doors open.  Inside this room are their vehicles, Red Machine, Blue Machine, Green Machine, and Variblune.  Tsuyoshi tells Akira that Variblune is his.  Daita tells Akira that he wants to ride with him and Akira agrees.  Tsuyoshi tosses helmets to Kenji and Peggy.  Akira and Daita enter Variblune, Tsuyoshi hops onto Red Machine, and Kenji and Peggy get on Green Machine, with Kenji driving and Peggy sitting in the sidecar.  Tsuyoshi, Kenji, and Peggy exit through a tunnel that takes them back into the city.  Variblune prepares for take off.  Variblune drives down a runaway and after awhile stops as hatch above them opens up.  Variblune lifts up and flies towards the factory.  As they fly along, Daita asks Akira the riddle, which he as asked earlier by Kenji, but gets no answer. At the gun power factory, Gold Mask is giving instructions to the Zolders.  He tells them to lock up the kids and to take all the gunpowder.  Soon they all notice Variblune above them.  The young students are trapped on a school bus, heading into the factory.  Their teacher tries stop the bus, but she is stopped by the Zolders.  One of the Zolders hits her with his gun and she falls to the pavement.  Police arrive to try and rescue the kids, but they are rapidly killed by the firing guns of the Zolders.  Tsuyoshi, Kenji, and Peggy arrive. Tsuyoshi notices Variblune above them and contacts Akira and Daita.  He instructs them to blow up the warehouse.  Variblune is lowered as the children inside continue to scream for help.  The bomb ticks away as Kenji kicks the factory doors in frustration.  Variblune drops it's buckets on the building's roof and smashes a hole into the roof.  The buckets open and attached to the school bus.  The school bus is lifted up and through the roof.  Variblune flies away.  Moments later, the factory explodes.  On his Red Machine, Tsuyoshi pursues Gold Mask.  The Zolders throw bombs at Tsuyoshi.  Tsuyoshi does his best to outmaneuver the bombs, but he is eventually knocked off his Red Machine.  Tsuyoshi is quickly surrounded by Gold Mask and several Zolders.  Tsuyoshi fights the Zolders as Gold Mask throws his weapon towards him.  Tsuyoshi avoids being hit by the weapon.  The weapon returns to Gold Mask.  Gold Mask quickly runs towards Tsuyoshi and holds his weapon above Tsuyoshi. Before he can do anything, Ao Ranger, Ki Ranger, Momo Ranger, and Mido Ranger arrive.  Tsuyoshi leaps into the air and transforms into Aka Ranger.  Furious Gold Mask asks, who are you?  The five triumphantly respond, Gorenger!  The Gorengers immediately began to battle the Zolders.  Aka Ranger takes out his Red Vute and battles and defeats several Zolders with it.  Ao Ranger uses his Blue Cherry against the Zolders.  Mido Ranger uses his Midomerang against the Zolders.  They defeat several Zolders with their weapons. Ki Ranger uses his physical strength to defeat the Zolders he is against.  As he fights, he asks the riddle that is still puzzling him.  When the foot soldier answers a trump, Ki Ranger is very happy but it doesn't prevent him from destroying the Zolder.  Gold Mask is about to strike Momo Ranger when she asks him to wait.  Momo Ranger removes her weapon - Pink Mirror and uses it against Gold Mask.  The battle continues.  Momo Ranger calls out a warning to Aka Ranger and he turns around and defeats the Zolders with his Red Vute.  The Zolders are soon defeated and Gold Mask runs away.  Aka Ranger states it time for Gorenger Storm! Momo Ranger swirls and a silver ball appears in her hands.  She kicks it over to Mido Ranger.  Mido Ranger kicks it over to Ki Ranger.  Ki Ranger bumps his head against the ball and it heads towards Ao Ranger.  Ao Ranger kicks the towards Aka Ranger.  Aka Ranger jumps into the air and kicks the ball towards Gold Mask, hitting Gold Mask and destroying him.

The Crimson Sun! The Invincible Gorengers














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